Measuring the Impact of ROSC in Hancock County
In the fall of 2013, Hancock County ADAMHS, launched a system analysis for improvement and transformation of its behavioral health services. This analysis included an exploration of the relevance of establishing a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) model for the community. During this process, a full assessment of Hancock County’s existing mental health and substance use disorder treatment service continuum was conducted which included identification of service gaps; recommendations to increase and expand services; aligning systems, programs, practices, and policies in such a manner that uses best science; and unifying a vision of recovery as an opportunity for each person, family, and the community.
This process was guided by the following two principles:
- ROSC provides ongoing monitoring and feedback with assertive outreach efforts to promote continual participation, re-motivation, and reengagement.
- ROSC will be guided by recovery-based processes and outcome measures. Outcome measures will be developed in collaboration with individuals in recovery. Outcome measures will reflect the long-term global effects of the recovery process on the individual, family and community, not just the remission of biomedical symptoms. Outcomes will be measurable and include benchmarks of quality-of-life changes.
ROSC also seeks to build recovery capital. Recovery capital is the measure of assets needed for recovery in an individual, family, and community. Recovery capital is measured at the beginning of a person’s journey into recovery and shows strengths or needs for success. As recovery capital grows, so does the health and resilience of the individual, family, and community.
Finally, ROSC, provides a natural trajectory into population health. The purpose of population health is to improve the health of individuals and the community by advising where to invest resources to address social determinant of health. By having ROSC focused on the health, wellness and recovery of the entire community, Hancock County will ultimately link the values of the community to service delivery, resulting in optimal health outcomes for all.
What follows is a visual representation of the increasing scope of services, programs, and supports that have expanded during the development, implementation, and sustainment of ROSC in Hancock County.
To read the document in full, click on the link below.
The Impact of a Recovery Oriented System of Care in Hancock County, Ohio
Supporting Documents (9 documents)
A Preamble for Building Recovery in Hancock County: Core Definitions
ADAMHS Board Approved August 27, 2013
Ratified November 2014. Updated August 26, 2020.
A Community Position on the Value of Life in Hancock County
Adopted February 21, 2017
Cultural Awareness Guiding Document
Drafted December 2017
A Community Position on the Value of Life in Hancock County: Supporting Document
Revised September 15, 2020
Becoming a Community of Belonging: Milestones
June 2020
SFY21, Q4
Hancock County Opioid & Addictions Task Force Composite Database Report
December 15, 2021
December 2021