Recovery in Hancock County
A preamble for Building Recovery in Hancock County — Core Definition
At the May 23, 2013, Community Advisory Meeting, the following definitions of recovery, recovery-oriented systems of care with defined elements and recovery management with Guiding Principles of recovery were presented as a potential foundation for care provided within Hancock County. Upon approval of that community advisory group, the following core definitions are presented as a “Preamble for Care” to be provided within Hancock County:
Initial definition of recovery:
Recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their potential as delineated over four measured dimensions: health, home, purpose and community (SAMHSA, 2012).
Recovery from alcohol and drug problems is a process of change through which an individual achieves abstinence and improved health, wellness, and quality of life (SAMHSA, 2012).
The implementation of this definition and care will be guided by 12 Principles of Recovery:
- There are many pathways to recovery
- Recovery will be self-directed and empowering
- Recovery involves a personal recognition of the need for change and transformation
- Recovery is holistic involving the body, mind, relationships and spirit
- Recovery has cultural dimensions
- Recovery exists on a continuum of improved health and wellness
- Recovery emerges from hope and gratitude
- Recovery is a process of healing and self-definition
- Recovery involves addressing discrimination and transcending shame and stigma
- Recovery is supported by peers and allies
- Recovery is (re) joining and (re) building a life in the communtiy
- Recovery is a reality
To implement a recovery-focused model of care, a philosophical framework of recovery management is best used. A Recovery Management approach organizes services to provide pre-recovery identification and engagement, recovery initiation and stabilization, long-term recovery maintenance, and quality of life enhancement for individuals and families affected by substance use.
To attain this philosophy of care, a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) will be designed.
A recovery oriented system of care is a coordinated network of community-based services and supports that is person-centered and builds on the strengths and resliencies of individuals, families and communities to achieve abstinence and measured improved health, wellness and quality of life for those with or at risk (SAMHSA, 2011).
The recovery-oriented system of care will be guided by 17 Elements of Care. In addition to being evidenced based care all care shall be:
- Strength based
- Person-centered
- Individualized and comprehensive and capable of services across a life-span
- Culturally responsive
- Responsive to personal belief systems
- Inclusive of family and other ally involvement
- Committed to peer recovery support systems
- Inclusive of the voices and experiences of recovering individuals and their families
- Integrated with other needed services
- Open to System-wide education and training
- Anchored in the community
- Be capable of providing a continuity of care over time
- Reflect a partnership-consultant relationship of the provided with the individual, family and community
- Capable of providing ongoing monitoring and outreach of the client
- Outcomes driven
- Research and science based
- Adequately and flexibly financed.
The recovery-oriented system of care will include prevention, intervention, treatment and continuing care (e.g. post-treatment check-ups). It will lead to a community where people have a stake in designing and improving the quality of life for all in the community. Benchmarks and measures of outcomes (e.g. White, 2008) with documented progress will be designed and monitored by the community.